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Guys I need helping with sentense please)

"The market no have any bananas yesterday. I get there too late"- I know it's incorrect.
I can say "There weren't any bananas in the market yesterday. I was there too late" ???


makman123 profile picture makman123December 2016

"the market had no Bananas Yesterday ,I've Reached there too late"
I think this is how you should say it ....

  • makman123 profile picture makman123December 2016
    that's right ..... but in here you should tenses grammar I mean .... first part I used only past tense ..... the second part I used present Perfect .....
    Actually I forgot the name of this use
  • makman123 profile picture makman123December 2016
    ok so where do you want to use them ?? I mean ((there is and there are ))
    write the full sentence using that two words