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What does " take-up" mean in this context?

I am reading a report of Ofcom about the development of media services in 2014. 

I came into these sentence :"The report
compares the availability, take-up and use of services in the UK and 17 comparator

Now " take up" is likely to be a name and not a verb in this sentence, but I can't figure out what it is in this context.

May someone give me a simple synonim ?

thank you. 

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SergePhoto profile picture SergePhotoOctober 2016
Hi Mary. In this context, it seems to be a verb, More than likely as in taking up of resources. Usually take-up refers to something that removes space or room for something else. For example. This room is too small, the lamp takes up too much space. If the report were about space in the room, it would read "availability, take-up and use of space" If a company is running low on resources, in this case, certain services might need to be reduced. I hope this helps!
Frannie333 profile picture Frannie333October 2016
It means how many people use them or accept them, (and yes, it's a noun)... wait, I found it in Italian: should be "tasso di assorbimento" (= "Percentuale di utenti effettivi sulle unità di consumo potenziali")