ODPOWIEDZ! - English

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How to switch from one foreign language to the other easily?

Good evening everybody! 

I am a french lady. I have been living abroad many years and speak English and Spanish quite well (but I still want to improve) 

When I start to speak in one foreign  language I find it hard to switch to the other one, would anybody know a trick to do it easily?
It is just as if: I was stuck in a room (Spanish) and needed THE KEY to enter in the other room (English), but sometimes it takes me ages to find the key. And the door between those two rooms is always locked! Even if I have the key in my hand I need a time to open the door, which means a time before I can communicate properly .. (I hope someone feel the same and will understand?) 
How can I leave the door open and get rid of the key for ever?? 
J'aimerai pouvoir entrer et sortir de ces pièces comme je l'entends, c'est-à-dire aisément ;-)
Do you know any exercices which can help?
Thanks very much for your answers! 
And let me know about your experiences and if you sometimes feel the same?