أعط أجوبة - English

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Your attention, please! Does anybody know about Speech Act?

أعط أجوبة

b1llybob profile picture b1llybobApril 2016

ah. ok.thank you, LapetiteOcha, for clarifying, or at least providing some context.

Your question refererred to a linguistics term, referred to as the "speech act".

A topic of which I know nothing but which, while I am not a linguist, I found to be quite interesting - particularly as I read through some related discussions on 'language and thought'... xD




ps. As I had no contextual reference, originally, I (curiously?) made the assumption that you were referring to some legislative "edict", somewhere.

(coincidentally, there actually was some legislation passed in the USA,in 2010, called the "Speech Act", which was the enactment into (USA) law of attempts to eliminate "foreign" nationals' raising of libel claims againt USA citizens, under the guise of "protecting USA 'first amendment' rights".

--> a topic of little, or no, interest to me: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPEECH_Act )

b1llybob profile picture b1llybobApril 2016
no. ( well, at least *I* don't)

could you please expand on the topic, and also include a link describing this "speech act", so that others may become aware of this, and how it may affect us ?
thank you...
  • LapetiteOcha profile picture LapetiteOchaApril 2016
    this is part of Linguistic Applied, we learn bout sense of utterance which may have différent meaning from speaker to the listener.. there's Theory of Austin or Searle. more about it here : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_act