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My name is Arno, i m french, i would like to improve

my level in english. My level actual is B2, it's not so good, sniff !! hahahah

For information, i m kind and funy, i like speaking about evrything.

If you went learn french, i can help but not too much !! hahah

See you


lorena_dutu profile picture lorena_dutuAugust 2015
Hello arno!I'm Lorena from Romania and i want to improve my english too.i think we are at the same level.
  • Seron profile picture SeronAugust 2015
    Oh, i make mistake, it s not funy, you are not in Paris like SirExotic. It s only for speak by message, not in live. It's less funny. For information, i just come back of 5 weeks of english lesson and i meet a lot of people who come from the world. That's why, i went to continuous to practice english and prefere in face to face. See you;
  • Seron profile picture SeronAugust 2015
    Hello Lorena, question, i m new here, can i send you a private message?And i m not sure about your level, i didn't understand what you have whritten !! hahahah, It's joke. How are you? what do you do? Have you already did the meeting for speak english? I ll go the next tuesday, it ll be funny, i hope. If you went join us, don't be shy. Have a good day
SirExotic profile picture SirExoticAugust 2015
Hey, if you would like my help, could you send me a message?
  • Seron profile picture SeronAugust 2015
    Hello SirExotic, thank you for your message. You don't live in Paris, it s not easy for speak together in face to face one day. Move to Paris, you ll probably like, it's nice.