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what is the meaning or ekspresion for uncle bob in english?

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Alicsandra profile picture AlicsandraDecember 2017
اريد تعلم اللغة انكليزية
Alicsandra profile picture AlicsandraDecember 2017
Sunny2018 profile picture Sunny2018November 2017
'.....and Bob's your uncle'. Another way to express this is to say, ' .... and there you have it'. (The task is complete/almost complete). Example. "This soup is delicious. How do you make it?" "I fry onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes and courgettes. After a few minutes add stock, marmite and seasoning. Let it simmer for a while and Bob's your uncle."
Acasualdream profile picture AcasualdreamFebruary 2013
The expression is "Bob's your Uncle", and it used to express that something is simple or easy.