67% GOOD (3 votes)Sen respondo
I stady english, looking for friends to practice english.


Rohany profile picture RohanyNovember 2012
Hello...I'm looking for the same thing, so if you want we can try to improve our English together.In which city do you live?
  • m-h-y profile picture m-h-yDecember 2012
    Hello ...I'm very interested to learn English ...I am seeking to find a serious partner can learn with me and share our ideas on skype , i guess my level is intermediate
sharique profile picture shariqueDecember 2012

I am a fluent english speaker and I can help you to learn english. . Please let me know if you are interested.
  • sharique profile picture shariqueDecember 2012
    Hi Rohany ! how are you doing ? I am a fluent english speaker and I need to learn french. Please let me know if it's possible for you. Thanks