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When do I have to use "shall"?

For what I know shall is another way of future, isn't it? but while watching shows I have listen the phrase "shall we?" I understand the context of the phrase, and in one of my favorite shows the sentence "I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do" in my head that sounds like "I should destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do". And, it is shall only uses in a formal way?

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DaveV profile picture DaveVMarch 2015
The way I understand it, is that "shall" is used in order to state something a person must do, or will do. Whereas "should",being a modal verb, changes usage depending on the context. A modal verb gives more information about the function of the main verb that it governs.
  • DaveV profile picture DaveVMarch 2015
    You use shall when you're going to do in the future, but should is more like a future tense of "maybe"
  • Chanil profile picture ChanilMarch 2015
    Thank you, but I still not clear about the differences between shall and should, I mean, I don't know if you get I'm trying to say, if I read it and listening it I have an idea about the difference but I can't use them properly until I really understand them, but againg thanks.