Would anyone like help with English?

20% GOOD (5 votes)
Hello everyone.

Just to post that if anyone would like me to help them learn English, then I'm on msn and polyglot chat most nights ( for msn just message me :) and i'll try to answer immediatly ), and also I'll be willing to exchange English for any language as i'm highly interested in language.

So, if anyone would like me to help them with English then i'm more than happy to and I hope to hear from you all soon.



tugce_11 profile picture tugce_11July 2007
hi! ým tuðçe.ý want to learn english very much.my msn address:tugce_11tugce_11 profile picture
SneaR profile picture SneaRJuly 2007
hi all ý want to learn Englýsh.very well.Pls help me.My msn and email adress:SneaRSneaR profile picture thx..
tigress profile picture tigressJuly 2007
hey, i would need some help with english grammar...i'm going to a qualifying examination  on college  next week,  so...add me and let's see how you can help me, ok? ciao
esra_7 profile picture esra_7June 2007
hi it is very good if you help me for english. I am learning english now but I want to learn it better. if you help me I will be very happy. my messenger adress: esra_7esra_7 profile picture please add me. see u later.
usul profile picture usulJune 2007


I'm student, I have finished my exam, and i want to ameliorate my english in order to go back  to my girlfriend who  will work in england at  september.

So if you can help me this is my msn:

usulusul profile picture 

aaldip profile picture aaldipJune 2007
hi my freind this ahmed i want to help me plz to improve my english so if u do not mind my email is (aaldipaaldip profile picture)