Je peux vous apprendre le Anglais

Pilih sekarang juga!


I am Deema from Iraq. I master English very well. I do love to learn French, all I need is a penpal who shares with me my interest.


POstWarFunk profile picture POstWarFunkMay 2007

Hi Deema, I'm french, and, I want to learn english.

I live in Paris, but, I'm you know? A lot of chaldean are in Iraq, and, I know that you're from Iraq..If you want, I can to learn you French and Aramaïc..and, you, you learn me English...(euh..I'm sorry, but I don't speak english very well)


Adelou profile picture AdelouMay 2007

Hello! I'm a french girl and i 'am 16. I can teach you french! If you help me to improve my english too... =)



Sosab profile picture SosabMay 2007
hi, I am french, we can if you want do an english/frensh conversation. See you later!