I want to learn english, and I can teach French

50% GOOD (2 votes)

Hi, I'm Ben, I'm 23 years old and  I leave in France !

In a few months, i will leave in an english speaking country, so I would like to write with some english speaking people in aim to make my english better!

If you would like I can help you, or teach you french !

Hope to have answers very soon

Best regards



grunnio profile picture grunnioMay 2007
Bonjour Ben,
je m'appelle David, j'ai 32 ans et j'habite en australie.
je pourrais vous aider avec l'anglais (australien) s'il vous
plaît! j'étudie le français, mais je dois vraiment pratiquer
la conversation.

G'day Ben,
my name's dave, i'm 32 years old and I live in australia.
I could help you with your (australian) english if you like!
I study french, but i really must practice conversation.
