Best Systems when Creating Flashcards: Your Thoughts?


Hello everyone,


I’m both a language learner and teacher.


I’ve been teaching, creating and using flashcards using spaced repetition for some time now. However, I feel that I could be teaching / creating them in a better way and wonder if you have any useful tips.



I’m currently working with a two-way strategy:


  • Decks for sentences (where I want to use the words myself: SW)
  • Decks for words (where I want to recall meanings if someone else uses them: RL)


Flashcard creation


L1:L2 language usage


I’m regularly unsure of which way is best here. Let’s look at how I advise my learners:


Beginners L1:L2 (front:back)






Öğleden sonra









(in the) Morning


(in the) Afternoon


(in the) Evening


(at) night



Higher levels L2:L2



Tiring (adj)




After a tiring day, I like to play games to help me relax.



Synonym+: exhausting   [L1: yorucu]



Any level for grammar issues L2:L1

Oh! We don’t have any milk!


Ah! Sütümüz yokmuş!



In this last situation, I’m going from L2:L1 so it’s a reading comprehension exercise essentially. I tried L1:L2 to be able to assist with speaking, but found it was too hard to remember all the grammar structures and got exhausted with making mistakes all the time. I feel that this isn’t the best way.




Q1: Is there anything particularly wrong with what I’m doing here?


Q2: How could these methods be improved?


Thanks so much in advance!

