Help me with corrections.

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Hi everyone! I'm a new user here. I'm here to improve my English writing skills. So I will often post here some texts in English. Sometimes it will answers on questions after a book, sometimes it will be my thoughts on a specific theme. I hope someone will correct my mistakes and give me some advice. And of course, I can help you with Russian in this way, if you wish. It will be hard work and I want to find someone who is ready to go with me.


yu_shi profile picture yu_shiAugust 2018
Though I am a Chinese I will be glad to help u as much as I can. And if u've got any interesting topic we could discuss together! me too, if u like search me in Facebook Yu SHI de INSA de Lyon and also I have my vk account named Yushi Shi, don't know why some one took my name in vk.... but I will, in following 5 years, start learning Russian!