
100% GOOD (1 votes)

I'm Nicolas, a french man who needs to learn English, would you be available for to talk in English?
So I will be happy to teach you French language.


FredC63 profile picture FredC63November 2017
Je suis Americain. Je peux t'aider avec anglais si tu peux m'aider avec Francais. J'habite en Louisiane. Je suis marie' et nous avons cinq enfants. J'aime musique, (je joue la guitarre), vieux films, les sports. (Je prefere parler avec un homme de France) Merci beaucoup!
I am an American. I can help you with English if you can help me with French. I live in Louisiana.I am married and we have five children. I like music (I play guitar), old films, sports. I prefer to speak to a man from France. Thank you !
Mutaz136 profile picture Mutaz136July 2017
Hi everybody
Marihuico profile picture MarihuicoJuly 2017
Hi! i'm also looking to improve my english (is getting rusty)
khalilee profile picture khalileeJuly 2017
I am Arabian and I want to learning English