Learn English

Vota adesso!

Hello, I'm french and I want to learn English. I can learn french. Bye :)


DawsAl profile picture DawsAlMay 2016
aidezmoi sil vous plait. je tenseigne langlais. i am deeply interested in learning french
Cheen profile picture CheenMay 2016
Hey! I can teach you English, maybe you can hrlp me with French?
  • Cheen profile picture CheenMay 2016
    How do we do that? Sorry I'm new here but how do people get in contact with each other?
Sunnyville profile picture SunnyvilleMay 2016
Bonjour, comment allez-vous? Je parle l'anglais, et je veut apprendre le français. Peut-etre nous nous parlons.