I want study English, can teach Russian

100% GOOD (1 votes)

Can someone help me with English? I am good in reading and listening but can't fluently speak or write in English. And I really want to change it))
I think for now it would be helpful if you don't have strong accent (I aim to try to take your pronouncing)) and will be pretty shure about tenses, articles, spelling and all this stuff.
I am native in Russian and ready to help you with your learning.


rosemarsher profile picture rosemarsherFebruary 2016
Hi! i happened to see your message! I'm from the Philippines and I'm willing to help you. I'm doing homebased online English classes. i have tried teaching Russian too. If you are interested pls add me on skype. rosemar1107 is my skype ID.
  • Lovelace33 profile picture Lovelace33April 2016
    I can help if youre still looking, im also interestied in learing Russian. My skype is Princessdaisythegreat