technically meaning

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what does ’technically’ mean ? I’ve been hearing that word in a lot of conversations but I still can’t understand the exact meaning of it :) and please would you give me some examples too :) thanks


top15 profile picture top15January 2015
Technically means : according to the facts . As in applied science and so on.
Technically , a nut is a single- seeded fruit.
  • MaverickMom profile picture MaverickMomMay 2016
    You and a friend are walking down a dirt road. A police cruiser is following you two. Your friend trows down a used napkin. You were eating an apple. You find a bad part of the apple so you throw it away. The cop stops and gives your friend a ticket for littering. He doesn't say anything to you for throwing the apple. You were both technically littering , but his littering will cause damage.