I can teach you polish

Voĉdoni nun!

Hi,I would like to improve my english and learn freanch,I can teach u polish. My name is Kamila and  I'm 19


Craitman profile picture CraitmanJuly 2007


I'd be interested in learning Polish. I have a Polish friend, but don't know a word of it

I can help you with your English (being English myself) and with your French too (I've been learning French for over 8 years).

CraitmanCraitman profile picture

see you soon...

Pangouron profile picture PangouronJuly 2007

Hello !

I'm Aurélie, i'm french, i'm 17 and i want to learn polish :)

My msn is PangouronPangouron profile picture it would be great if you were ok to learn me  polish and i can help you with french

Bye, see you