french girl looking for english penpal

67% GOOD (3 votes)
hi i m marie, i m 18 and i m looking for someone to speak english with, though not especially an english person. i can help u with ur french too if u need it. my english is already rather good (well that s my opinion lol), but of course it s not perfect, so i d be happy if u could help me improve it. it s ok if ur a girl but it s even better if ur a guy lol well if anyone s intersted just send me a message or gimme ur msn !


SuperTim profile picture SuperTimJuly 2007
Hi! My name is Tim, and I live in Washington (the state, not the capital).
I've been learning French for the past couple years, so perhaps we can help each other? Just throw me a message (my MSN is SuperTimSuperTim profile picture) and we'll talk =)

- Tim
abualhitham profile picture abualhithamJuly 2007

hi...that is nice and great to have new friends from othere countries and exchange with them languages and clutures.

i am studying french but i am still not so that good,lol.........let us help each otheres...oh, i am man,27.... lol... from Oman....hope you know it..if not i will tell you more about ring me in my msn.....hehehehehehe

my email is :abualhithamabualhitham profile picture.....see u soon


tornado0986 profile picture tornado0986July 2007
hi marie my name is cagdas in turkey.I m 20 years old and I m a boy :D ..I want improve my english as you like.I speak english but not very well.maybe we help ourselves.. my adress tornado0986tornado0986 profile picture see you and thank you bye