טקסט של - English

  • Happened last friday

  • Last friday when i went from the high school, suddenly i saw a ghost , at first i was thinking that was a dream but , when i clean my eyes i saw that it was really , i followed the ghost because it was calling me , at first i believed that it was a joke but finally was a joke

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English

  • כותרת
  • משפט 1
    • Last friday when i went from the high school, suddenly i saw a ghost , at first i was thinking that was a dream but , when i clean my eyes i saw that it was really , i followed the ghost because it was calling me , at first i believed that it was a joke but finally was a joke
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    • הוסף תיקון חדש! - משפט 1הוסף תיקון חדש! - משפט 1