
Text from Mouhamed007 - English

  • work experience

    • I worked as a responsible of monitoring and evaluation assessment in a mother and children nutritional statue improvement program in Brakna (rural area in Mauritania).
    • During this operation, I realized how metabolic disorder diseases like diabetes have increased during these years in Mauritania as in many countries around the world


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • I worked as a responsible of monitoring and evaluation assessment in a mother and children nutritional statue improvement program in Brakna (rural area in Mauritania).
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    • I worked as a responsible of monitoring and evaluation assessment in awith a program called mother and children nutritional statue improvement program inat Brakna, a (rural area inof Mauritania) and I was responsible for the monitoring and evaluation assessment.
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  • Sentence 2
    • During this operation, I realized how metabolic disorder diseases like diabetes have increased during these years in Mauritania as in many countries around the world
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    • During this operationprogram, I realized how the metabolic disorder diseases like diabetes have increased during these years in Mauritania as inramatically in recent years, not only in Mauritania, but also in so many countries around the world.
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