
Сообщение от HappyHipo - English


  • Nowadays, free social activity has become an extremely popular and fashionable part of people`s lives.
  • Thousands of people devote their time to charity and voluntary service.
  • As a result, some experts offer to add some kinds of voluntary activity into the schools` curriculum.
  • For the most part, volunteerism is a valuable contribution to society which can bring a rich experience in making social relationships and taking care of other people.
  • However, this activity is not appropriate for high school education.
  • Needless to say, syllabuses at modern schools are extremely loaded.
  • Besides academic subjects, students study music, painting, sport, cookery and other courses.
  • The rise of educational loads will reduce the time spent on learning general subjects.
  • Additionally, there are a lot of high school students who work after school.
  • If such kinds of activity are added to high school programme, some students will be force to stop working and earning money.
  • Above all, all people need free time to relax after work or school and socialize with peer group.
  • The physical fatigue of students cause by the extra social activity can lead to a raw of both health and mental issues.
  • To conclude, I don`t agree that free social activity should become a compulsory subject in high school curriculum.
  • Despite of positive factors brought by the social activity, consequences of overload at school might be terrible for students` health and education.

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