

Text from Miya_Una - English

  • Taiwan and Japan

  • There is an island country called Taiwan off the southeast coast of China.
  • This country and Japan have had deep relations --both in good and bad meanings.
  • In 1871, several fishers from Ryukyu (now called Okinawa) were killed by Taiwanese aborigines in Taiwan.
  • Japan decided to send about three thousand soldiers there in protest.
  • Japan send its troops abroad for the first time in two hundred and seventy-five years since the war between Japan and Korea in 1596.
  • In 1895, which was a year after the Sino-Japanese War, Japan obtained Taiwan from China as compensation.
  • Japanese rule modernized Taiwan rapidly.
  • They banned abuse of marijuana, built schools and hospitals, constructed dams, developed agriculture skills.
  • Of course, however, they did bad things as well.
  • In 1930, aborigines living in Wushe, Tainan attacked a school, killing about a hundred and forty Japanese people, including women and children.
  • What made them do that was the cruel way Japanese police officers had them work.
  • They also looked down on them as savages, which always hurt their pride.
  • Japanese soldiers attacked their villages in retaliation for the incident, killing many of them.
  • In 1945, Japan lost WWII and relinquished Taiwan.
  • Before long, the Nationalist Party moved into this island.
  • "Dogs left and pigs came," said some Taiwanese people, which means, "Japanese rule was like dogs; they would often middle our lives or customs, but they keep the piece at least.
  • On the other hand, the Nationalist Party's rule is like pigs; they just rob things and arrest many innocent people." Since President Lee Teng-hui democratized Taiwan around 1990s, Taiwan and Japan's relations began to get better though they didn't have diplomatic relations.
  • When Taiwan had a big earthquake in 1999, Japan sent its rescue team very quickly.
  • They never forgot it.
  • When Japan had a huge earthquake in 2011, the great number of Taiwanese people helped Japan massively; their contributions reached twenty billions yen, which were bigger than those from any other country.
  • Though these two countries have a territorial dispute today, I believe that we can keep good relations.
  • Both of these two points are important --reflecting the past and working together for the future.