
Text od macielav - English

  • The Amazon Jungle - Introduction

  • In order to improve my English, I will write here some experiences I had, flying over Amazon jungle.
    • I hope, this way, turn the text less boring to read.
  • This area of the world is still unknown to most of the Brazilians.
  • The jungle is extremely large.
    • There are just fews roads, built in Military Government, a long time ago and their conservation are awful.
    • The transportation and the supplies here is made basically by rivers and took some days to achieve the destination.
  • The two largest cities of the Amazon, Manaus and Belém are separated for one week of travel by boats.
    • There are some Airlines doing this trip, however this is long too far to most of Amazon people.
  • Insted of most people think, the habitants of the jungle aren't just Indians.
  • There are people living in border of the rivers.
  • They don't destroy the jungle, just fish, plant and hunt for their own survival.
  • They suffer with the large distance to basic needs like, medicines, dentists, etc. In the end of the year, when the water reduces, it's impossible to navigate on the rivers and they stay isolated.
  • The Brazilian government do an effort to help this people.
  • The Air Force go there to help this people and about this I wil write another day.