
Text von Sublollo - English

  • The two lumberjacks

  • Two lumberjacks worked in the same forest to cut the trees down.
  • The trunks were majestic, strong and firm.
    • The two lumberjacks used their axes with the same cleverness, but with a different process: the first hit his tree with incredible perseverance, a blow after the other, just stopping to breathe again for rare seconds.
  • The second lumberjack did a moderate break every hour of work.
  • At dusk, the first woodcutter's tree was half-finished.
  • He sweated blood and tears and wouldn't have stand for other five minutes.
  • The second was unbelievably at the end of his tree.
  • They started together and the two trees were identical!
    • The first lumberjack didn't believe one's own eyes.
  • "I understand nothing!
    • How did you do to finish so fastly if you stopped every hour?".
    • The other smiled: "You saw who I stopped every hour, but what you didn't see is that I took advantage of the break sharpening my axe".

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English