
Pesan dari MohamedRizk4sci - English

  • Arabic Language

    • Arabic language is my native language.
    • Now, I am learning English language as a second language.
    • For long time ago, I learn French in The secondary school as a third language.
    • Because I am stop learning this language for long time, I forgot everything.
    • I consider myself as I don't know French language.
    • In this article, I want to write about Arabic language.
    • I love this language because the Qur'an was written in Arabic language.
    • There is no way to read The Holly book "Qur'an", if you can't read Arabic language.
    • There are many translation of the meaning of Qur'an in many languages, but the Qur'an can't be translated.
    • Nowadays unfortunately, no one speak standard (formal) Arabic.
  • Every country uses its dialect to speak.
    • In Egypt, we use Egyptian dialect to speak, but when we write we use formal Arabic.
    • Arabic learners face a huge problem, because they forced to select one dialect to learn beside formal Arabic.
    • Many of them select Egyptian dialect to speak, because any native Arabic speakers can understand Egyptian dialect.
  • In my university, I have friends from many Arab countries.
    • They told me that they can understand me very well because they watch Egyptian series and films but I can't understand them if they speak their dialects.