
Text from Xopecc - English

    • I search new friends around the world :)

  • Hello all!
  • My name is Sergey!
    • I'm studing in High school, 10 class :) I live in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia :) Here are not bears xD Today on street temperature only -1°С O_o Very mystic for Siberia… I like talking with friends ;) I want learn English language and I want travel in USA or UK ^_^ but people from other country… write me :) My best friend learn France language(*_*) Yet i want search a pen pal ;)


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    • I'm studing in High school, 10 class :) I live in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia :) Here are not bears xD Today on street temperature only -1°С O_o Very mystic for Siberia… I like talking with friends ;) I want learn English language and I want travel in USA or UK ^_^ but people from other country… write me :) My best friend learn France language(*_*) Yet i want search a pen pal ;)
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    • I'm studing in High school, 10 class :)th grade. I live in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia :) H. There are not bears xD Today on streethere. The temperature today is only -1°С. O_o Very mysticstrange for Siberia. I like talking with friends ;) . ¶I want to learn the English language and I want to travel in USA or UK ^_^ but people from other country… write me :) My best friend learn France language(*_*)through the USA or UK. People from other countries, I want you to write to me. My best friend learned french. Yet i want searchto find a pen pal ;).
      100% GOOD (2 votes)
    • I'm studying in High school, 10 cth Class :) I live in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia :) HThere are not bears here. xD Today on streetthe temperature was only -1°С on the street. O_o Very mystic for Siberia… I like talking with friends ;)and I want to learn the English language and I want travel into the USA or UK ^_^ but pthe UK. People from other country…ies, please write to me. :) My best friend learned Fraence language(*_*) Yet i want searchh. (*_*) Yet I am still searching for a pen pal ;)
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