text de la - English

  • November 28th.

  • Today is Thursday, November 28th.
    • I like the surfing, see the beach, the sun, the sand, and the tables, super.
    • The toys are on the closet with the works boxes.
    • She does not going to visit her aunt.
    • The baby need a vaccination.
    • I don't like do into the water in the pool, because I'm scare then you are going to teachs me to swim and breathe under the water.
    • The subway cross the city underground.
    • The weather is cold, I dont know why but I started to yawn so many times.
    • The last week, the county teams went classified to the world cup, the mexico and Uruguay teams are the two last selections.
  • Two match ago, the Colombian selection went classified, and Italy three match ago.
  • I feel so proud for my other selection Italy, I'm girl from Italy and live in Colombia.
  • The other time i'm going to talk about it, because I'll be in class.

Vă rog, ajutaţi la corectarea fiecărei propoziţii! - English