
Texto de zmyzhang - English

  • i love english,and i want to master english

  • i am a college student who from china ,and my major is chemistry. but i love to speak english ,always i keep learning english ,and last summer vacation,i was so lucky to have visited a small island of china where full of many foreigners.actually just a few americans. but i took the chance ,i practiced english every day, and i go out to find foreigner.many of them were very happy to chat with me .


  • Título
  • Oración 1
    • i am a college student who from china ,and my major is chemistry. but i love to speak english ,always i keep learning english ,and last summer vacation,i was so lucky to have visited a small island of china where full of many foreigners.actually just a few americans. but i took the chance ,i practiced english every day, and i go out to find foreigner.many of them were very happy to chat with me .
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