
Rédigé par HappyHipo - English

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    • Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good member of society.
  • Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
  • Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
  • Children`s social education plays an important role in education in general and affects child`s future life.
  • There are two common opinions about who are responsible for social education: parents or schools and both of them have a place to be.
  • On the one hand, social education begins from child`s birth.
  • Parents teach toddlers to communicate with adults and other children, to accept and respect other members of family, to share their toys or sweets with them.
  • Children study general communication skills without school with their families.
  • At the age of 2 or 3, when they enter the kinder garden children start socializing with other kids and study some simple rules of community.
  • However, it doesn`t mean that the parents` education is over.
  • At that age, parents help kids to make friends and avoid social conflicts; furthermore parents teach them how to protect themselves from the bad influence of other kids and remain a good child despite of social impact.
  • On the other hand, when children go to school, parents` impact on them slightly reduces, because children spend much more time at school than at home.
  • Teachers explain children some new rules of behavior at school which can differ from home rules.
  • Additionally, teachers highlight bad and good behavior of kids, compare them with each other.
  • This stimulates children to be better than others and behave as well as possible.
  • However, there are a lot of children in one group and in practice teachers devote more time to disobedient kids.
  • In conclusion, I think that parents play the most crucial role in social education of children while school education should be responsible for their academic success.
  • Parents are absolutely responsible for their children`s future and only them can develop positive conduct of children in society.