
sosso801 szövege - English

  • Lonely Bird

  • Some of you may be wondering why I chose this title.
  • I wonder if you will understand my explanation… What did I mean with “Lonely Bird”?
  • For me, the lonely bird is the one who escaped from its flock and started travelling around the world by itself, the way it has decided to, without feeling forced to follow anyone, free to go wherever it wants and to think by itself.
  • In my opinion, as soon as you leave home and go to live abroad, you automatically become something of a lonely bird anyway, looking for a place to land and letting yourself being carried away by the wind upon a new city.
  • For me the bird is a symbol of travelling.
  • In the end, can’t we say that our planes are actually only large birds made of metal?
  • Birds can go anywhere, and that’s why I feel connected to them.
  • I want to travel everywhere, see everything and feel free to fly away to a better place whenever I want to.
  • And lonely… because everyone who knows me also knows that I have no problem dealing with loneliness.
  • I’ve never really had many good friends and I’ve just realized that, as many other people, I didn’t really understand why I was so bad at keeping a good friendships.
  • But now I know that we must take the problem from the other end.
  • Before having many friends, one must know how to be alone.
  • We must learn to know ourselves, to feel good with ourselves, by ourselves.
  • We must learn no to need anyone.
  • And only when you reach this state of self-understanding and satisfaction, only when you accept your loneliness, then you will be able to make good friends, not because you need them, but because you want them.
  • This makes a great difference.
  • Friendship is not a necessity anymore, it becomes a choice.
  • If you’re able to live in peace with yourself and to be your own best friend, you won’t need to be surrounded by people anymore, you’ll only want to.
  • It won’t be the fear to be alone what takes you into these friendships anymore, but only you wanting to have a stronger relationship with someone you like.
  • And this relationship can only be better.
  • Life becomes much easier when you get rid of necessity and replace it with desires.
  • Isn’t it more pleasant anyway to choose to have a friend than to absolutely need to be with someone, anyone?
  • Loneliness mustn’t be feared.
  • Once you’ve tamed it, you are ready to take your first big step on the way to freedom.
  • That’s it, I stop being so serious  Now, a little question for you: If you could be a bird, which one would you choose to be?
  • Personally, I would love to be a swallow 