
MohamedRizk4sci (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Cube Satellites

    • Nowadays, satellites are very important in several corners in our live.
    • We use it in communications and weather prediction.
    • Sending a satellite in space require a big budget.
    • To help students to learn and develop satellites, students find a new way that help them to build satellite most cheaply than the original one by building cube satellites.
    • From its name, cube satellites are satellites have a cubic shape.
    • This satellite is a very small satellite and has a lightweight (may have ten centimeter length, width and height).
    • Because of lightweight, it doesn't expensive and only one rocket can deliver many satellites at once.
    • I read in Washington Post journal that high school students have built their own satellite and Nasa rocket put this satellite in its orbit.
    • Nasa rocket lift a smart phone and twenty eight tiny satellite into space.
    • May be this satellites aren't useful, but it gives student a lot of experiences to build a real one in the future.

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