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    • Tommie Smith and john Carlos

    • The 1968 Summer Olympic Games were held at Mexico City, Mexico, from 12 to 27 October 1968.
  • A total of 5516 athletes from 112 countries have participated in 172 competitions in 18 sports.
    • These Olympic games are the first games organized a developing country.
  • The Games are on a tight leash.
    • The Mexican army protects the Olympics after Tlatelolco massacre in which students were killed by the police and the Mexican army.
  • The choice of Mexico to host the 1968 Olympics was controversial because of the high altitude of the city and sports performance that came from it.
    • In fact, Mexico is located more than 2200 meters.
    • This Olympics Games are marked by in the 200m run on 17 October 1968.
    • Two African-American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos will be an act, which will mark the sport forever.
  • Tommie Smith was born on 6 June 1944, in Clarksville, Texas.
  • He studied sociology at the University of San Jose.
    • There practice athletics.
  • Tommie Smith broke or equaled thirteen world records in some years of university sport.
    • It was also nominated three consecutive years "best athlete" in basketball, football and athletics.
  • It was at this time that he met John Carlos.
    • John Carlos was born in New York City's in Harlem neighborhood, 5 June 1945.
    • Thanks to its performance in athletics, Carlos gets a scholarship to study at East Texas State University.
  • It allows the university to win the championship.
  • A year later, he went to study at the University of San Jose.
    • Shortly before the 1968 Olympics, John Carlos takes part in the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR).
    • The aim of the organization was to protest against racial segregation in the United States and around the world and racism in sport.
    • Most members OPHR were African-American athletes and community leaders.
    • The founder of the organization, Harry Edward proposes it to all black American athletes to boycott Olympics Games.
  • Both athletes refuse and decide to participate in the event.
  • During the final, 16 October 1968, Tommie Smith won the 200m run in 19s83.
  • It beats the world record in the discipline.
    • This is Australian Peter Norman who finished second with 20 s 06 while John Carlos finished 3rd in 20 s 10.
    • The next day, during the medal ceremony, Tommie Smith decided to wear rising black socks and black-gloved fist, head down during the American national anthem.
    • His friend John Carlos accompanies raising his other fist.
    • It shares the same pair of gloves Smith.
    • This is Peter Norman who suggested it.
    • Gesture made by the two athletes is one of the Black Panthers.
    • The sprinters are booed and insulted by the Mexican public.
    • After the ceremony, Smith says, “If I win, I am American, not a black American.
    • But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro.
  • We are black and we are proud of being black.
  • Black America will understand what we did tonight.” For their actions, the International Olympic Committee, who said that it was “a deliberate and violent breach of the principles of the Olympic spirit”, will exclude the two champions from the Olympics for life.
    • The Australian Federation for its support to Carlos and Smith will also ban the athlete Peter Norman.
    • At the funeral of Peter Norman, we see Smith and Carlos bring the casket of former Australian runner.
    • A few years later that their gesture is recognized by the entire American community in particular through to changes in mentality.
  • Indeed, in 1978, Tommie Smith enters Hall of Fame of American athletes.
    • In 1993, he entered the Hall of Fame California African-American sports while Carlos enter him in 2003 at the National Track & Field Hall of Fame.
    • A statue was built in 2005 their effigy at the University of San Jose.
    • A few years later that their gesture is recognized by the entire American community in particular through to changes in mentality.
  • Indeed, in 1978, Tommie Smith enters Hall of Fame of American athletes.
  • In 1993, he entered the Hall of Fame California African-American sports while Carlos enter him in 2003 at the National Track & Field Hall of Fame.
  • A statue was built in 2005 their effigy at the University of San Jose.
  • Their several tributes will be made worldwide, particularly in France, where the towns of Saint-Ouen and La Courneuve, Seine Saint Denis, choose 2004 and 2007 respectively, to baptize their sports hall named Tommie Smith.