
текст з - English

  • Travel

    • Today, I search the informations travel Philipin in the Internet.
    • I very like to go travel it.
    • Philipin have much beautiful sights and much beach.
    • I find to the Cebu airlines.
    • Tickets price isa about 25$ to 50$.
  • It isn't expensive.
    • If you by in sale time, you only have to pay 5$.
    • Cebu airlines have the flights to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city from Manila.
    • Aside from, you go to the Philipin go by train to Malaysia or Indonesia.
    • Vietnam visistors can fare free time in 21 day in here.
    • In Philipin, we can fare go by domestic air, railway, jeep, taxi, bus, truck.
    • The vehicle from island to other island go by boat.
    • The traffic here iss verry cheap

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