
Text from ev9eniy - English

    • A Short Story: An incident At A Village

    • When I was young, I usually spent my summer holiday at grandparent's village.
    • It was a little piece of land with a small old house, where I was living for all summer vacation after school.
    • Around the house were a lot of young and old trees.
    • In front of the house had a table with old brown bus's chairs.
    • I remember as in the early morning I was sitting there, I was listening the radio and looking on trees.
    • I waited for breakfast, when my grandmother came to me and put on the table a plate with fry eggs.
    • While I was eating, I was listening a radio show about invention in science.
    • After I ate a delicious mill, I said thank to the grandmother and went for a walk.
  • It happened when I was near the village; there was a small canal without water.
  • While I was staying close to the canal, I suddenly saw a little movement in grass, and a second later something long and black crawled in grass.
  • I tried to catch it, but the it hid into the canal.
  • All that morning I was looking for that strange thing, but did not find it.
  • I thought it was a snake or a lizard, since that time I have never seen it again.
  • Now that old house demolished, and a new one had already built.
  • I rarely recall this incident and I think it a very nice, because I did not catch that animal.