
Texto de vgrowlee - English

  • New York: high level of cancer

    • The New York’s citizens risk much more to have a cancer then other Union’s countries’ citizens.
    • It shows it a new study effectuated by the Environmental Protection Agency, the ministry of Environment of US that according to it, the exponential augmentation of cancer in the Big Apple is the very high rate of smog over the city.
  • The study, published on the official EPA’s website, is clear.
    • Nearly 2,2 millions of USA’s citizens, included 862012 new Yorkers, today live in a city where the 80 worst carcinogenic substances level given off by cars, factories and other pollution fonts is three time superior for the national average.
    • Among the most exposed, there could be the Empire State’s citizen where, for each million of people, those who risk to get a cancer because of the pollution are nearly 100 more than other US’ countries.
  • It is more dramatic the Los Angeles’ situation, and Madison County, in Illinois.
    • In the Far West’s virgin and uncontaminated areas, where the factories haven’t taken up the entire desert, the risk of getting cancer is minimum.
  • Coconino County, in Arizona, and Lyon County, in Nevada, have the lowest incidence of cancers because of the atmospheric pollution in the USA, Kalawao County, Hawaii, Golden Valley County, in Montana.
  • “The toxins in the air are an absolute local problem” Dave Guinnup says, the Epa’s scientist who have guided the research.
  • “If you live in the Red Mountains your risk factor is 2, while if you live in an industrial area with a lot of traffic and factories the risk is 1100 every one million of people.” And the New York’s result is insufficient also for “State of the Air” the annual report, redacted recently by American Lung Association (ALA).


  • Título
  • Oración 1
  • Oración 2
    • It shows it a new study effectuated by the Environmental Protection Agency, the ministry of Environment of US that according to it, the exponential augmentation of cancer in the Big Apple is the very high rate of smog over the city.
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    • ItThis is showsn itn a new study effectuatedcarried out by the Environmental Protection Agency, the ministry of Environment of US that according to it,the USA which says that the exponential augmentationincrease of cancer in the Big Apple is a result of the very high ratequantities of smog over the city.
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 2
  • Oración 3
  • Oración 4
    • Nearly 2,2 millions of USA’s citizens, included 862012 new Yorkers, today live in a city where the 80 worst carcinogenic substances level given off by cars, factories and other pollution fonts is three time superior for the national average.
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    • Nearly 2,.2 millions of USA’s American citizens, includeding 862,012 nNew Yorkers, today live in a city where the 80 worst carcinogenic substances levelare given off by cars, factories and other pollution fonts is, three time superior fors greater than the national average.
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 4¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 4
  • Oración 5
    • Among the most exposed, there could be the Empire State’s citizen where, for each million of people, those who risk to get a cancer because of the pollution are nearly 100 more than other US’ countries.
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    • Among the most exposed, there could be the Empire State’s citizen where, for each million of people, those who risk to get a cancer because of the pollution are nearly 100 more than other US’ countries. ??
    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 5¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 5
  • Oración 6
  • Oración 7
  • Oración 8
    • Coconino County, in Arizona, and Lyon County, in Nevada, have the lowest incidence of cancers because of the atmospheric pollution in the USA, Kalawao County, Hawaii, Golden Valley County, in Montana.
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 8¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 8
  • Oración 9
  • Oración 10
    • “If you live in the Red Mountains your risk factor is 2, while if you live in an industrial area with a lot of traffic and factories the risk is 1100 every one million of people.” And the New York’s result is insufficient also for “State of the Air” the annual report, redacted recently by American Lung Association (ALA).
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    • ¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 10¡AGREGA una NUEVA CORRECCIÓN! - Oración 10