
Tekst fra - English

    • Letter for his mother

    • Mummy, I am writing you to Worcester college because I have a good new: I've been accepted at Oxford!
    • And that, thanks to any steps.
    • At first, I made a planning with a list of all the colleges, in hope that a resident tutor for Admission reply to my writing request to enter in one of them.
    • Day after day, I was beginning to loose hope and think at Cambridge university finally.
    • But, the tutor for Admission at Worcester College replied me affirmatively.
    • According to him, a place was free because it belong to a young man tragically killed on the road.
    • He announced me that the dead young man studed History.
    • Then, he accepted me for the vacancy, not in History, but in Politics, Philosophie and Economics courses.
    • Allan Brown, the Tutor for Admission at this college seemed surprised at my request but he smiled.
    • After, I will become the new President of Oxford Union.
    • Kiss Mummy, see you later! Simon Kersake

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