
текст з - English

  • The world I left behind

  • Sometimes it happens.
  • Just like this, as if it was due to happen.
  • Among this large amount of new experiences, adventures, strong feelings and normal days in a foreign country, a black cloud arrives.
  • Aaaaaaaaaaaand…..you’re missing home more than anything else.
  • Though it’s already the second year I’ve been here, autumn and this large period before Christmas still have the same effect on me: it makes me miss every single person and every single place of my own town.
  • I’ve never regretted my choice to leave my country, but I sometimes just wish I hadn’t left it all behind and were still surrounded by all these people and things I know and understand.
  • I even feel a little guilty for escaping from that land which fed me and took care of me for more than 18 years, which taught me life and gave me most of the great moments of my existence.
  • Now I realize how much I love Switzerland, how much I love my little town, my little flat, my family, my friends and all those precious moments we’ve already spent together.
  • Because of this special function in my mind that removes all the bad moments and all the bad feelings of the past, I feel like everything was absolutely perfect back there.
  • I know it was not.
  • I know I’ll probably soon overcome this and not be missing home so much anymore.
  • Because you always get used (more or less) to any absence.
  • But at the moment, although I’m still having a great time here, I’m merely longing to get back home for Christmas.
    • I’ve actually just realize that, no matter where you go living by yourself, as long as you are far from your people you’ll always, in a certain way and despite all the people you are surrounded by in your new life, feel a bit alone on the world.

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