LenaVからのテキスト - English

    • Male and female parenting

    • Male and female parenting is two different styles, two approaches.
    • If we make a quiz with ordinary parents who are not professional psychologists, most of all, it appears that almost no one really imagine what it is, but firmly know that exist the difference between male and female parenting.
    • And many moms and dads agree that there is probably some sense of the existence of different types of parenting.
    • According to public opinion, female parenting is something soft and tender, accompanied by a mass of emotions and the absence of punishment.
    • A male parenting, by contrast, is focused on rigor, clarity and iron discipline.
  • But in some families, there is a mutual substitution of roles, and thus shift in parenting styles.
    • More often, there is a middle option in the parenting process: the outwardly mild mom always something requires from toddler, surrounds by fence its prohibitions, tugging at every turn: "Do not run, you'll fall", "Muffle up, you'll catch cold," "Wash your hands, or you'll get sick!","As long as you do not eat, you will not leave the table!". And so on.
    • And dad speaks of commanding voice and calmly allows the child to climb trees, jump in puddles, fall and get up, and instead of a three-course lunch deal some sandwiches ...
    • True, the same dad insists on its prohibitions much worse than mom.
    • Just as a rule its is much smaller.
    • But much more important is not the large number or categorical prohibitions and permits, but that the baby's life in the present combination of hard and soft styles of parenting.
    • The most kid-friendly option when mom and dad act differently and independently of each other, but think in the same direction and can always agree among themselves.
    • In other words, when the approaches of both parents do not turn into a contradiction, but complement each other.

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