
Text from silveroul - English

  • The Thing That I Hate.

    • I hate waiting for the people who doesn't come on time, because they waste not only my time but also others person's time.
    • Moreover, they don't mind to leave a message or make a call for me.
    • So, it make me angry so much.
    • Especially, most of them have bad reasons, such as: get up late, forget the time, lazy, etc. And the worst reason is after coming late, they don't apologize anyone .
    • If you wait for someone like that, you will know what I feel. Trust me!
    • There are no second time for the person who make me wait for so long.
    • Waiting is a boring thing, because instead of going somewhere for many activities, you have to wait for the people who don't keep their promise.
    • At least, coming on time also mean you give your respect to the others.
    • That are all the reasons why I hate waiting so much.