

Text from sosso801 - English

  • Happiness is today

  • If there is some advice I really would like to give to anyone, anywhere, it would be this: Be happy, just happy.
    • What is actually the objective of our life here?
    • It’s this one, to reach happiness; to do what we think is correct in order to get this state of plain satisfaction; to be “fine”.
    • Each one has got their way to reach it.
    • It can be working, studying, trying to make the others happy, creating, training or anything else.
  • Whatever we do, we always follow this goal.
  • So far, everything seems fine.
    • The problem arrives when one realizes that sometimes we just forget why we do all this.
    • Few people are able to recognize happiness when it comes, and even less to enjoy it.
    • We have been taught that stopping to enjoy the moment means losing a precious time we could use to prepare the future.
    • It would be wrong to be happy right now, we’ll do it later.
  • We are surrounded by obligations.
  • There’s always something to do and there is no time for the rest anymore.
  • We have to be productive, always looking towards the future.
  • This little voice controls us: “Don’t stop studying now, you’ll be losing time”, “Remember all these files you need to organize”, “Don’t buy this, you have to save money”, “Don’t eat ice-cream, you’ll put on weight”.
    • All this, and much more.
    • And every day we deprive ourselves, we spend every single second fulfilling the duties we receive from society, or even from ourselves.
  • But remember why you do all this.
  • Maybe it is time to say yes to the ice-cream and the break you’ve been waiting for for so long and no to the little voice.
    • What you do doesn’t always need to be useful; all your gestures don’t need to serve to prepare your future if this makes you unsatisfied.
  • If what you feel like doing now is useless but makes you glad and makes you smile, this is what is most important.
    • And so this moment will be a beneficial moment for your life.
  • Your only duty is to be happy, here and now.
  • Every second that passes is lost forever.
  • And the time you spend being happy will never be wasted.
    • If what makes you happy right now is sitting on a bench and watching the leaves dancing on the wind, eating a piece of cake, stopping everything and go read a good book, watching an episode of your favourite serial or going out to see your friends, do it.
    • Life is now and it would be too bad to waste it only for preparing a future that might never come.
  • Do you really think there is something more wonderful to say than just “I’m happy”?