
Text od ev9eniy - English

    • Essay: Ways To Solve The Problem Of Overpopulation

    • I think the best way to solve the problem with overpopulation is build new cities.
    • Now, live in towns is not so easy as it was hundred years ago.
  • The first issue is traffic jams in rush hours.
    • People is so many, that slow down any movement in the city, and it is not depend of which type of delivery system their prefer, For instance cars, buses, subway have the same overcrowded problem.
    • The second problem is pollution of air by vehicles and factories.
    • According to common believes, the people live in rural place with a low level of pollution live longer than whose live in an urban area.
    • In my opinion, build new city is easier than reconstruct which exists.
  • The first reason why it is easy, because new roads would create without block of an existing, and without demolition any buildings.
  • As result, developers can create more efficient roadway with solving problem of traffic jams.
  • The second reason is create cities with limited number of population, so it could reduce pollution by cars and factories.
  • As summarize, creating new towns is most efficient way of solve problems with traffic, pollution, and over population in the cities.