
Text from Chappa - English

  • Robots

    • In our society, were beginning to have a fearful and excited feeling towards the developpement of robots.
    • A lot of people are totally against because it may remplace the human being and the importance of relationships between people.
    • We can see that, obviously, some people have a bad approach of the internet.
    • Some of them are totally closed in their world and don't go out to see the real life.
    • They are shown as perfect examples for the decadance of humanity because of the technical ways to communicate.
    • I don't think the technical ways have to be prohibited.
    • I'd rather think that the way to use them are in cause.
    • We must change our habits, and not just accuse technique.
    • However, there are still a lot of ethic questions that we can't avoid.
    • I won't speak about genetical modifications and the progress of science which directly touch the human being but I'm wondering about the creation of robots and of artificial intelligence.
  • Are we trying to recreate the human being?
    • In nature, there are laws just as science and experimentation.
    • Which is the limit between what can only be created by nature and what can be created by humanity?
    • If the elements of nature can be calculated and if all this is just a math equation, the human's brain may be calculated one day, too.
    • The fact that it is complicated does not mean it would be impossible.
    • Can artificial intelligence be one day as elaborated as our brain?
    • A few time ago, I would not have considered seriously this delirious idea of robots' revolution.
    • Even though I still don't believe in that, I think we may create an artificial intelligence very performant.
    • There is a test about it which consist on a discussion between a human and a web robot.
    • To win the prize, the web robot has to be as human as possible so that his interlocuter can't know if he's speaking with a robot or with a human.
    • It's called the Loebner Prize.