
text de la - English

  • The Memory Palace Technique

  • Many of us are looking for ways to memorize and remember things easily and without efforts.
  • You may use flash cards or other techniques for that.
  • Well, today, I would like to share with you another way for memorization, probably some of you may have heard of it, and others may not.
  • The memory palace is a technique used for memorization.
  • It is based on creating a palace in your mind and put the stuff that you want to memorize. How is that? Well!
  • First of all, imagine your house in your mind, then, walk into it from its entrance till the end of it.
  • Do this few times, and when you become familiar with the map that you built by walking all along your house.
  • After that, try to put the things which you want to memorize on the object which encounter your way.
  • Thus you will be able to remember them by gathering them together.
  • Secondly, when putting the stuff you want to remember, make sure to make them looks bizarre, because the bizarre you make them, the more highly you will remember them, and be able to recall them.
  • An example would be, if someone wants to remember a list item for shopping, you can imagine a giant banana next to the doorway winking at you, and smirking.
  • And when you enter the house you will find sausages running on fire in the guest room, and so on.
  • Remember the more you make them look bizarre, the more likely you will remember them.
  • Finally, you need to practice this technique, so you will be able to master it.
  • By familiarizing yourself of the road map you created into your mind, and by just walking into it, you will be able to remember well.
  • This technique is so powerful, once you practice it.
  • You will able to remember a lot of things by just seeing them for the first time, without even reviewing them.

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