
Text from MohamedRizk4sci - English

  • The Ancient Egyptians

  • For long time ago, there was an old civilization in Egypt called "Pharaonic civilization".
  • I think, it's the most oldest civilization in history.
  • Pharaohs built great structures such as pyramids.
  • Nowadays, no one knows how they can built this huge structure without machines we used to use now.
  • Some science fiction movies suppose that, the pyramids built by aliens came from far space.
  • There is an evidence tells us that, pharaohs in the old era had a scientific way and knowledge to build this structures.
  • They had knowledge in astronomy.
  • Because this knowledge was lost, we don't understand a lot of things about them.
  • Pharaohs built Abo Simbel temple.
  • The sun light falls in the statue face inside this temple at sunrise twice every year.
  • This is not happening randomly but in specific two dates in year when the king of statue was born, and when he toke the authority.