
Tekst fra sinireri - English

  • Humiliation

    • Public speaking is considered my most people as the greatest fear of all, even compares to death.
    • It is not my opinion, i ve heard it various different sources which most of them stated it as some kind of survey.
    • This topic got my attention because i am one of these people and i have experienced a case related to this subject.
    • My situation is not that extreme, i would definetely choose to speak in front of a crowd instead of being death.
  • On the other hand, talking in crowded occasions such as friend gatherings or presentation in the school, is not something that i am fond of.
  • Despite i know most of people feel the same way and remind myself of that all the time, the fear of humiliation and being critisized is always outweighed.
  • As i was saying i have story about it.
  • One of my friend wanted to join the theatre club of my school and ask me for going with her.
  • I accepted and that night, because it was the first day of the year, we went to the welcome meeting.
  • There were roughly a hundred volunteer who wanted to join the club.
  • The person who was in charge wanted everyone to introduce themselves briefly.
  • In such cases like introducing myself or answering to a question in front of a crowd is not a big deal for me as long as they do not want me to be part of a conversation.
  • However, when the turn comes to us, something happened that i didnt take into accaunt.
  • My friend got excited and run out of the room with a toilet alibi and never came back.
  • Afterwards, i stood there and waited her like an idiot who didnt even be a part of that group.
  • Do you know what is the funniest part of it, she is still claiming she was in toilet all two hour that she was absent of.
  • By the way she has never gone back the theatre.