
نص من - English

    • I Hate The Tecnology

    • I think that tecnology is one the most cause because people is getting stuid.
    • We spend a lot of time on facebook, twitter and other stuff like that.
    • We care too much them and so we are worried to put a nice picture on facebook or to write a nice phrase to get "likes".
    • This stuff is also changing the relationships among people.
    • If we pick up a pretty girl on a social network we could date her although we don't even know her.
    • I don't see many guys on the street, no more, at least no like before.
    • All closed in their houses in front a computer. That is sad!
    • A sader thing is that if you don't have facebook you're considered weird, like facebook were something of basical.
    • Another bad thing, in my opinion, is that trough facebook people lose the most of their privacy and anyone may use your facebook account for evil intentios.

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