
Text från Lisa_Summmers - English

  • Alice

  • One day Alice was sitting on riverbank with her sister.
  • Suddenly she noticed a white rabbit and decided to chase him.
  • She went through a cave as the rabbit did and found herself falling down.
  • She fell to a hall with lots of doors.
  • The smallest one had a key.
  • Alice opened it and saw a beautiful garden there.
  • But she was too big to get there.
  • So she drank something from a strange bottle and became smaller, but she cannot open the door as she had left the key on the table.
  • Then she ate a cake, grew bigger, so she was able to take the key but couldn’t get into the garden!
  • Alice began crying.
  • Soon she was in the sea of her own tears.
  • She met the Mouse.
  • The Mouse accompanied Alice to the shore, where a number of animals gathered on the bank.
  • There was a “Caucus Race,” but accidently Alice scared the animals away with tales of her cat, Dinah, so she had to leave off.
  • After that Alice met the White Rabbit again, it mistook her for a servant and sent her off to fetch his gloves and fan.
  • While in the White Rabbit’s house, Alice drank a bottle of liquid and grew to the size of the room.
  • With the help of other animals the White Rabbit tried to get Alice out.
  • At last they did it by changing her size.
  • But they got very angry with her and she had to leave off again.
  • When Alice was wandering in the forest she met a Caterpillar.
  • He seemed to Alice very uncivil.
  • However he helped her and told how she could grow smaller or bigger.