
Tekst fra - English

  • Business in the 21st century

    • In our age of technology communications and quick information exchange companies become more flexible.
  • The role of huge top-companies is reducing because they are less adapted for modern business environment.
  • That is why structure of companies becomes more decentralized.
    • Many decisions of these corporations are pushed to lower levels.
    • Such companies have less transactional costs, they can make decisions and innovate itself quicker than traditional hierarchic company.
    • If earlier in the time of telephones and fax it was better to be big, now small sizes become good for business.
  • For example ABB and BB Amoco have broken themselves up into numerous independent units.
    • Sometimes it can be cheaper and faster to cooperate with other company than to grow up your own one and to produce the goods yourself.
  • Thanks to the Internet and the computers e-lance economy became possible.
    • Many people in many locations can be centralized and to work together.
    • The time of free-lancers begins.
    • It could be happened that the dominant business organization of the future may be not a stable corporation, but a small temporary company, which can exist for no more than one day or two.
  • In my honest opinion these hypothesis are fantastic, but more real possibility that huge companies will create little and flexible temporary companies and will be responsible of them.
  • It is impossible to do business without any strategy and aim, that is why I think that huge corporation can’t disappear as a form of structure organization.

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