
Texto de Brocky - English

  • Essay

  • The prompt: Do you agree or disagree?
  • "Never stop trying to reach your goals." I believe that we should never stop trying to reach our goals.
  • I feel this because if we keep trying, and practicing, there is no doubt that we will make them come true.
    • No matter the situations will go through, no matter the pain we are in, because if we want, then we can.
    • First off all, the reason behind not stopping on trying to reaching our goals is showing strong confidence and motivation.
    • Therefore, the motivation and the eager are the first key to success.
  • Without believing in ourselves, and without yearning for our goals, no one would believe in us, and we would never achieve our goals.
    • Therefore, we will stop in the middle of the process.
    • An example would be a foreign language learner, if the person is not determined to learn the language, and stand before the difficulties, and learning from his mistakes, he would never keep learning, and thus relinquishing his goal which is speaking that language.
    • Another reason why we should not stop trying to achieve our goals is losing the hope for life.
  • Going through challenges, and making progress make us feel better.
    • An example would be If a person stop yearning for his dreams and goals, eventually he will find no reason for living, because he is no longer capable of achieving anything nor contributing to the society, thus it make him seeing his life has no meaning at all.
    • To conclude, keep trying to reach our goals it is not an easy matter.
    • However, if we keep trying we will achieve them no matter how difficult they are.
    • So we have to go through minor pain which is the failure will face while we are trying to avoid bigger pain which is relinquishing our goals.

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